Thursday, 6 February 2014

Beddings with big and small dots

Beddings is that accessory of your room that you need to change all year round. Sometimes according to the season and sometimes for your mood. So here you go for some bedding with big and small dots…
Kids always love such prints that have some element of fun in them. This bedding has all what they would love for. The first dotted bedding set is in purple and brown colour combo that will be perfect for girls’ room. The second set is having the same pattern with a baby blue colour perfect for little boys.
This bedding is having a funky pink and green big dots print over a white base. Teenage girls will simply want this addition to become a part of their room. 

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Decor your room with modern classic furnitures

The master bedroom is always your getaway space and a pleasant day’s end retreat. To feel comfortable in your bedroom you need to create a pleasing ambience as well as a touch of luxury on furniture as well. It is always, bedroom decor is an imperative aspect in the interior decoration of any home or decor plan. The master bedroom generally conforms to the style chosen for the main rooms of the house. It is always appropriate to invest in a luxury touch here and there with beautiful bed linens or a four poster classic bed as simple examples. Classic furnitures always resembles of luxury and comfort life style and if you are one of those who adores classic designs, why wouldn’t go ahead of owning a classic designed bedroom. The serene atmosphere will resonates in the bedroom when you choose classic bedroom furniture as your furnishing, so let’s make the bedroom as the best relaxation place and grab some ideas from the following classic designed pictures.

Bohemian curtains... the burst of colors in your home

You don’t have to be an all-the-way minimalist.  You could maintain that crisp clean minimalist style in the living room.  But then, why not surprise yourself by a burst of colors when you enter.

Bohemian style is all about contrasting colors.  Curtains are one of the staple accessories of a bohemian style bedroom.  Hang colorful curtains of different fabrics, texture and designs on your bedroom walls

Romantic touch with colours

Adding an air of romance to your home can be done with colors that are poetic and enchanting. These colors range from charming, comfortable country colors to fanciful hues. We can always use these kind of different color hues to define our decor theme. Romantic and luxurious atmosphere, we can always establish on a wall or by a fabric furnishing, piece of furniture or may be with an accessory. Here we have got some real romantic, colorful rooms just for you and just imagine the pleasure you can have by owning one of these rooms in your home.

Creative Ideas for Valentine beddings

Valentine's day is the day when you are celebrating  love, not that you have to celebrate love only one day in the year, love should be celebrated every second of your lifetime , but anyway Valentine’s day is the day of love and in that name you can decorate your bedroom on romantic and creative way.Valentine’s day is supposed to be romantic and in the name of love , so you can change your bedding curtains for that day and you can escape the routine and try something new and fresh.Valentine’s day is great opportunity to escape the boredom in your bedroom and to try something new with the bedings.

Friday, 29 November 2013

It's Just An Empty Threat- ASUU Replies FG

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has replied the federal government over its threat to sack university lecturers if they fail to call off its ongoing strike.

According to the striking lecturers, the threat would not only fail but will worsen the situation, hence "another long path to making the strike linger more than necessary."

The ASUU National Treasurer, Dr. Ademola Aremu, while responding to the government's directive, said the threat does not hold waters as it has confirmed the fears that the federal government cannot be trusted.

He said, "With the latest action, the federal government has shown that they are not committed to all they have been saying. We are saying that since we agreed at the meeting that the sum of 200 billion naira is for 2012 and 2013 revitalisation, the federal government should deposit same in the Central Bank of Nigeria. We are already in November and December is around the corner. If they don't do that now, when do they want to do it? We are saying that the non-victimization clause should be included as agreed while the renegotiation of the 2009 agreement should be included as agreed with the presidents".

"It is a pity if the federal government is not willing to perfect the resolutions reached with the union. This is why we find it difficult to trust our leaders by their words. How can someone be threatening to sack lecturers when universities are already short-staffed by almost 60,000. We are not in the military era. The military tried it and failed. This one will fail again.
"They can re-open the school. ASUU did not shutdown the universities. It was the management of the schools that ordered the students to go back home."

When Nudity Pays Off: Maheeda Signs New International Management Deal With Bigjamz World Ent.

Nigerian contoversial singer/rapper "Maheeda" recently signed an international management deal with Bigjamz World Entertainment, a company based in Europe. Maheeda who is also signed to her own record label "Yes-Mah Records" is indeed ready to take the African entertainment to another dimension.

The controversial singer/rapper who has been in the industry for quite some time now made several moves as a way to spice up her brand, after releasing few of her singles/videos and also nominated for NMVA years back, she is back on a project with the newly signed management company tagged #TheNewMaheeda

Bigjamz World Entertainment CEO Barbara Kotsoni says: Maheeda is one hell of act and once you see her as a brand you will definitely understand and appreciate her the more, it might take a long while for Nigerians to accept her as a brand but the European, Asia n and other market already see her as one. 

Bigjamz World Entertainment is the same company that organized the Davido European Tour in June 2013 and the just concluded Terry G European Tour.

Watch out for #TheNewMaheeda as she will be releasing fresh singles to trill her fans once more.


