Tuesday 27 November 2012

The Bedroom project

Up to seventy per cent of a child’s brain develops before the age of four. Parents and care-givers shape the identity of children by stimulating, friendly games and interesting new experiences. Loving home environment, functional children’s room design with colorful room decor accessories and child-friendly furniture designs are important elements of raising a happy child.
Uncomfortable kid’s room design, pale kid’s decor and emotionally cold environment can cause kids a trauma. Warm and loving home atmosphere, comfortable kids room design, attractive furniture for kids and stimulating decorating colors, that make children feel energetic, are important ingredients of a happy child’s life.

Kid’s room decor, toys and everything that surrounds a child create a special world. Take your time for children’s bedroom decorating, choosing spacious, playful, stimulating, inviting and functional kids room decor, paying attention to what furniture items and decorating colors make your children happy. (Functional kids room design, understanding your kids nature)
Growing furniture for kids
School-age children need a quiet place for their activities, including homework, reading and playing. Children grow fast and their bedroom furniture items need to grow with them. In order to avoid deformations of children spines it is important to ensure the correct ratio between chairs and tables heights.
Money saving tip: young children grow quickly, and pieces of furniture for kids have to be changed or adjusted every two-three years. Here are some kids designs that allow to adjust the size add more comfort to kids room decor, prolong children furniture life, and saves money. If possible, choose growing with kid’s furniture designs that can be increased in length and height.

Kids room decor and decorating colors
Energetic and cheerful color schemes for kid’s room decor, painting or wall decorating with wallpapers are very important. Children love bright and pure colors, but it does not mean that everything should be colorful in the child bedroom. The human eyes get tired of bright colors quickly, and children can become bored with too colorful paint, bedroom decorating ideas and room decor accessories.
Pleasant and soothing tones of matching interior decorating colors are good choices for kid’s room decor, furniture and painting or decorating walls with wallpaper. Toys and room decor accessories, like children rugs, lighting fixtures, cushions or toy-furniture for kids, can be bright and cheerful, adding dynamic colorful accents to kids room decor.

Kids room design for activities:
Psychologists say there are three children age groups. The first group includes newborns to three year old children. The main job of this group is to sleep, eat and enjoy playing time.
Spacious kids room design, functional storage organization and comfortable kids furniture for study, fun activities and rest are necessary for stress free happy kids life.
 Between four and six kids belong to the second group. At this age kids start to have busier schedule and add short periods for artistic activities, such as drawing, modeling and design. They need comfortable kid’s furniture design, an activity table for crafts and a chair.

Six to fourteen year old children sleep, eat and play also, but have certain responsibilities in their lives. These children have to go to school, do their homework, play music or have a hockey practice. Children activities require proper kids room design and storage organization that make their days organized and pleasant.

 Money saving tip: there is no need for expensive bedroom decor accessories or furniture for kids. Kid’s room design and furnishings should be practical, simple and convenient. The right size of kid’s bedroom furniture, pleasant colors and space-saving storage solutions, that create organized environment and more spacious kid’s room design, will make children happy. 
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